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Open for Business and committed to the health and safety

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The Curlewis Golf Club is currently open for business and committed to the health and safety of our members, guests and staff.  In this challenging time please rest assured we are doing everything possible to prevent the spread of Coronavirus.  We are closely monitoring and following the recommendations of the Department of Health and Federal Government's directives and will continue to be operational until we are advised otherwise.

When it comes to playing golf current restrictions are not preventing members from participating in their usual round of golf. As golf is played outdoors in fresh air with plenty of room for social distancing it is one of the few sports that can, at this stage, continue in the COVID-19 crisis. This has been supported by the most recent advice from Golf Australia that golfers "can and should continue to visit your clubs or facility as per normal."

Golf Australia have however made several recommendations to clubs encompassing course maintenance, golf and clubhouse operations. In line with these recommendations and those from various government agencies several changes to normal practices have been implemented both on and off the course.

Below are some of the changes:



Signage at all entry points has been displayed in regards to entry into the venue. Members and guests must not to enter if they are showing any of the signs of COVID-19.

Additional measures around the Clubhouse include:

  • When moving in and around the Clubhouse members, guests and staff are asked to please maintain a 1.5m distance from each other.
  • Where possible doors around the clubhouse have been left open to minimise touching of surfaces.
  • Water stations will no longer be provided in the clubhouse. Members should bring their own filled water bottle.
  • We request increased use of the bathrooms to wash your hands following the hand washing guidelines displayed. Additional regular use of personal hand sanitiser is also advised.
  • Shared bathroom items have been removed including hand towels, brushes, sunscreen, deodorant etc.
  • We ask patrons to avoid any unnecessary touching of surfaces and merchandise.
  • The Pro Shop fridge and pie warmer will no longer be self-serve and you must request items from staff.
  • In the Bistro and Spike Bar Hotel industry standards are being followed for distance between chairs and tables.
  • Cleaning staff and hospitality staff are following environmental cleaning and disinfection principles for COVID-19. Specific fact sheets for hospitality staff have been circulated.
  • The Club requests patrons use tap and go payment facilities.



  • Local Rule change: putting must be done with the flagstick in.
  • No bunker rakes. We ask that you smooth over with your foot or club.
  • The electronic card reading facilities in the clubhouse breezeway have been turned off. Please book your tee time via your mobile device, home computer or over the phone via the Pro Shop.
  • As a result, all score cards must be collected from the Pro Shop.
  • Players are asked to mark their own card, record the score of your playing partner, and have the card signed by your marker and yourself.
  • At the conclusion of your round, please place your scorecard in the tray in the breezeway. Staff will process them using appropriate personal protective equipment.
  • Cart Usage: Carts can no longer be shared. One person per cart only. As cart numbers are limited and each cart is required to be cleaned after use we encourage only those who require them to request carts.
  • Shotgun events will be cancelled or modified. Guest days will be postponed. One tee starts will be implemented where possible.
  • Nearest the Pins will not be awarded & no markers will be on course.
  • The drinks cart will continue to operate with increased hygiene measures.



  • Increased, ongoing commercial sanitisation of tables, chairs, door handles, benches and other ‘common touch’ utility items.
  • Ensuring staff are aware of the symptoms and health guidelines relating to Coronavirus.
  • Advised all staff they must seek medical advice and self-isolate if they have been exposed to the Coronavirus in any way, shape or form. To date, there have been no reported exposures.
  • Ensuring staff are washing their hands regularly for 20 seconds or more with soap, water and/or hand sanitiser
  • Where possible we request where possible all purchases are  paid for using EFTPOS or credit card. Our EFTPOS machine will be regularly sanitised, however we encourage ‘Pay-wave’ transactions where no contact is required.


In response to the Australian Government's ban on non-essential gatherings of more than 100 people a number of upcoming events have been cancelled.

  • 50th Anniversary Dinner "Down Memory Lane" has been cancelled with the hope to re-schedule later in the year.
  • Ladies Irish 4-Ball event has been cancelled.
  • A number of corporate and social golf days have also been cancelled.
  • All District competitions including Pennant have now been cancelled. 



  • Course staff will be working on a staggered roster
  • Please refrain from using ball washers and other course furniture.
  • On-course water bubblers will be shut off from Friday 20th March. Taps will remain operational for members to fill drink bottles.



  • The office will continue as normal, however we request that only essential enquiries are made, and that, where possible, these are done via the telephone or email.
  • All non-essential meetings will be cancelled.



Even with all these changes, the greatest responsibility for the health of all members, guests and staff is with you. We respectfully request you assist us in preventing the potential spread of the Coronavirus by adopting the following recommended safe measures:

  • If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19, you must not attend the Club. You must immediately inform the club via phone 5251 1111 (option 4) and disclose the other members with whom you have been in contact for fourteen days before the diagnosis.
  • If you have returned from overseas on or from midnight on 15 March 2020, you must self-isolate for fourteen days and not attend the Club.
  • If you have been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19, you should immediately seek medical advice, self-isolate for fourteen days and not attend the Club.
  • If you feel the slightest illness or have any flu like symptoms, you must not attend the Club. Please monitor your health and take professional advice.
  • Those members who are at most risk (the elderly and those with chronic medical conditions) should seriously consider whether they should attend the Club.
  • Wash your hands regularly while at the Club, at least when you arrive, after golf and when you leave.
  • All of the above apply to any guests that you bring to the Club - you should therefore exercise caution as to the guests you introduce, i.e. that you are sure that they are not contravening any of these protocols.


As this is a rapidly developing issue, we will be monitoring the situation frequently and will continue to keep you informed. 

We ask members to check the member's web portal on a regular basis as we will update any smaller changes to these guidelines or our operations via news on the Members Home page.

For significant updates we will continue to provide these via social media and here on our blog.

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