Hip! Green! Fun!
Did you know you can even book a tee time online? Book & pay online and save $5 on your green fee.
Green Fees effective from 26 December 2023:
Monday to Friday $45
Weekend & Public Holiday $50
Monday to Friday $80 ($5 off online)
Weekend & Public Holiday $90 ($5 off online)
Booking for a group of 12 or more? Call the Pro Shop (03) 5251 1111 Option 1 for a cool group rate (payment in advance required 7 days prior to play.)
October - March (from 3pm)
Monday to Friday $45
Weekend $50
April - September (from 1pm)
Monday to Friday $45
Weekend $50
Golf Cart
18 Holes $50
9 Holes $30
Member 18 Holes $25
Member 9 Holes $15
Tempo Walk
18 Holes $35
9 Holes $25
Member 18 Holes $30
Member 9 Holes $20
Member's Guests
Monday - Friday 18 Holes $60
Monday - Friday 9 Holes $35
Weekend & Public Holidays 18 Holes $60
Weekend & Public Holidays 9 Holes $40
Junior (u/18)**# 18 Holes $45
Junior (u/8)**# 9 Holes $30
Students (Full Time u/25)**# 18 Holes $55
Students (Full Time u/25)**# 9 Holes $35
Monday - Friday 18 Holes $65
Monday - Friday 9 Holes $40
Weekend and Public Holidays 18 Holes $65
Weekend and Public Holidays 9 Holes $45
*On presentation of a current Dept of Human Services Pensioner Concession Card. **Juniors and FT Students receive discounts on presentation of a current student identification card. #We reserve the right to give priority to full paying adults. Rates effective 1 March 2022 but subject to change.
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