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Girls Scholarship Update

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We are half way through the year and the girls in the Curlewis scholarship program are progressing very well. We have a group of five aged between 11 and 16 all with different levels of previous experience with golf. Cyrene and Alana that have played for a couple years and have experience on the course. Lucinda and Violet (our left hander) have played but don’t have much experience on the course and finally Georgie who had never played before.


The program so far has involved sessions where the girls are

working on technique. Each girl having their own swing gremlins to improve and to understand. As all you experienced golfers will know this process can be tedious and frustrating but I must say that the girls have taken to this task with gusto and I am so happy with the amount of improvement from them all.


We have also spent some time with short game concepts and techniques. We still have work to do in this area and the second part of the year this will be more of a focus. The putting sessions we have had have been very successful and the putting strokes the girls have already will hold them in good stead for the rest of their lives.


This term will be more about the practical side of playing golf on the golf course and we will heading out to the course as much as possible. Here I would like thank the women’s committee for helping out with some chaperoning and support. As we all know hitting balls at the range and playing on the course are two completely different kettles of fish and their support and guidance will be invaluable.


I have some individual highlights to report….

Alana knows how to keep her over swing under control!

Violet now knows how to stop her ball from hooking!

Lucinda knows how to keep control of her slice!

Georgie has been playing six months and swings like Minjee Lee!

And Cyrene beat her Dad over 9 holes for the first time a couple of weeks ago!     Sorry Neil.


Finally, thanks to the girls and the parents of the girls for being involved in our program and for being so easy to get along with and so easy to coach.


Steve Brodie

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